Wednesday, February 27, 2013


OOTD. Hey its storm.. I have not posted in a while. Sorry guys. I am really stressed with school and some family problems. Sorry loves.


Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Hey guise. So I do believe we announced movies was back right? Yeah, well I haven't talked to her since and I just dunno. But, My computer is broken. :'( I am using my mothers so I may not get to post as often. Sorry about that. I will try to have a outfit up by tomorrow. Thanks for bearing with me loves.


Wednesday, January 16, 2013


GUYS. Movies is back!!!!! I am so ASDFGHJKL! I am super happy! Expect new post very soon!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

I'm Back!! :D

Hey seventeeners! I'm SOOOOOOO deeply sorry about leaving! I just decided to leave one day, but now I'm back! I missed you guys SO FREAKING MUCH <3333 I just want to thank Storm for running the blog while I was out. You have been an amazing co-worker and you have also turned into my best friend! When I first met u, I wasn't sure what to expect on you working on the blog. But after the 1st post, I was in total shock! You were such a hard worker and really dedicated to it! You are an amazing, nice, thoughtful, considerate, most hard working, and dedicated girl I've ever met! You should be really proud of yourself because I'm most proud of you! Thank you for being on this blog because I have no idea what this blog would be like without you here! <3

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Hot or not?

Hey, so I am doing a experiment. Its called "hot or not?" basically, I will post a outfit and have you guys look at it, then I will post a poll (found on the upper right sidebar of the blog) and you guys get to vote! If it works well I will continue this, if not then I won't. Okay, so here is the look!
                                                          Hot or not? Don't forget to vote!


Monday, January 7, 2013

OOTD+500 Views!

Hey guys! I am super happy to announce that this blog has 500 views, technically 501 but you know, close enough!

  Also, here is a OOTD, I made this look, but I am not sure if I will buy it. It's super cute and I love the color scheme!

  Finally I would like to say I put a poll up asking what this blog needs, I got a few votes saying challenges.  I plan to do some challenges in the near future! Thank you guys so much! Love you lots!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Top outfit at the moment

Hey guise I am in a hurry so I will mkae this quick, its the top look at the moment called <3 non vip <3 cutes look. Enjoy!

                                                     I really like the colors used and the bow<3