About Us!


Hello(: its storm, and I am gonna do a about me! 

Whats your user name and name?

Storm102 is my username and Sarah is my real name but I also go by lis or Lissa (my middle name


I am 13.

How long have you played MSP?

For 1 year and 3 months(:

What extra curricular activities do you do?

Well, I am in dance, I am a honor art student, I play flute in band, and I know sign language(: 

What do you plan  to do on this blog?

I plan to help Hailey and write good articles for you guys of course!  



 (mehh ^)


Hey there! Its Hailey, A.K.A Movies&SC
Here are some Q&A!

What is your name and username?
Hailey and Movies&SC

How old are you?
I am 12 :)

What made you want to make this blog?
Well, I'm in love with Emily3815's blog and I thought "Hey!
Why not make a blog? But about fashion on MSP!"

What will you be showing us on your blog?
New clothes on MSP, Best outfit of the week,
The highscore's outfit of the week (or day) and stuff like that!

Picture time! 

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