Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The 80's Challenge!

C'mon people. We all know it. People from the 80's have time traveled to 2012 and has brought back the 80's style! Okay, fine. Maybe they DIDN'T time travel, but the 80's are DEFINITELY coming back! Maybe not as.....OUT THERE. But I thought "Let's give the 80's some credit, sha'll we?" Okay, as usual, we do one Non-VIP and one VIP! 

In this "groovy" outfit, I've got the big, frizzy,

hair! Plus, some "spunky" sunglasses, added with some...

weird....top, paired with kiss jeans, and LARGE heels!

The outfit above is quite similar! Big frizzy hair,

abnormal glasses O.o, peacock earrings, a blue

and neon green, zebra dress, black tights, and as again,


HELLO FRIENDS!!!!!! I am running really late and I have been super duper busy, so I only got around to doing 1 outfit I AM SO SORRY. Anyways here it is.


I used HUGE glasses, crazy, funky, and hilarious rollerskates, BIG hair, a head scarf,ana a oversized kiss print dress!

P.S- I know I am a huge slacker and I am super sorry guys. I had a dress rehearsal, six pages of homework, band concert, and I've been sick. It's also really late at night.I'm sorry I only got around to 1 outfit. :(


OOTD (Movie's Outfit)

So I had some extra time this morning and decided to go on the computer! I thought I should just put up my Outfit of The Day on MovieStarPlanet! This was created by Pump, but I took Storm's advice and tweaked up the colors so I could be myself! So here it is! Hope you all had/have a great day!


How To Look Cute In Christmas!

Hey fashionistas! Christmas time is coming up and you know it. FASHION. FASHION. FASHION! Ugly Christmas sweaters, (I think they're cute, I just call them ugly christmas sweaters ^.^) OVER-sized sweaters, jeans, and Uggs! Haha!
 Also, since I was away for 2 weeks, I JUST realized the Geometric Skirts came back! MSP FINALLY heard us! Haha. Well, anyways, Storm and I thought that we should show you guys
what Christmas is really about. IN FASHION MODE! So we both created 2 Christmas outfits!
1 Non-VIP and 1 VIP! Everyone deserves to look good on MSP so you're welcome Non-VIP's ;)

This outfit has a cute Hot Chocolate mug head band ^.^ (Favorite holiday drink! 
Comment down below your favorite holiday drink!) a blonde, braid, an ugly christmas
sweater ;), a white mid-thigh, white skirt, and red heels!

If I was an elf, I'd buy this in a heartbeat! This adorable
elf-inspired outfit has an adorable christmas light headband,
blonde hair with a bun in it, white snowflake earrings, a mini
elf dress, and red hot heels!

Hey! It's Storm! Here are my looks!

 Tis the season! This is my totally decked out Christmas VIP outfit!
Its a cute little santa dress, holly headband and bracelet, adorable Christmas pumps, heart earrings,and two colored hair! Approved by Santa!
Non-VIP gingerbread outfit(:
For this look I used a gingerbread dress, ADORABLE Christmas boots, snowflake earrings, cute yes oh so simple hair, and a frosting headband(:

Thanks for reading!
Movies & Storm(: