Tuesday, December 4, 2012

How To Look Cute In Christmas!

Hey fashionistas! Christmas time is coming up and you know it. FASHION. FASHION. FASHION! Ugly Christmas sweaters, (I think they're cute, I just call them ugly christmas sweaters ^.^) OVER-sized sweaters, jeans, and Uggs! Haha!
 Also, since I was away for 2 weeks, I JUST realized the Geometric Skirts came back! MSP FINALLY heard us! Haha. Well, anyways, Storm and I thought that we should show you guys
what Christmas is really about. IN FASHION MODE! So we both created 2 Christmas outfits!
1 Non-VIP and 1 VIP! Everyone deserves to look good on MSP so you're welcome Non-VIP's ;)

This outfit has a cute Hot Chocolate mug head band ^.^ (Favorite holiday drink! 
Comment down below your favorite holiday drink!) a blonde, braid, an ugly christmas
sweater ;), a white mid-thigh, white skirt, and red heels!

If I was an elf, I'd buy this in a heartbeat! This adorable
elf-inspired outfit has an adorable christmas light headband,
blonde hair with a bun in it, white snowflake earrings, a mini
elf dress, and red hot heels!

Hey! It's Storm! Here are my looks!

 Tis the season! This is my totally decked out Christmas VIP outfit!
Its a cute little santa dress, holly headband and bracelet, adorable Christmas pumps, heart earrings,and two colored hair! Approved by Santa!
Non-VIP gingerbread outfit(:
For this look I used a gingerbread dress, ADORABLE Christmas boots, snowflake earrings, cute yes oh so simple hair, and a frosting headband(:

Thanks for reading!
Movies & Storm(:

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