Monday, November 12, 2012

Highscore's OOTD

Yeh, I'm changing the color of the words cause I ain't liking the other one >.<

Anyway fashionistas, If you didn't know, O.O.T.D means Outfit of the day! So here are the highscores O.O.T.D!

Starting off with Pumpchkin

Her outfit contains pink pig tails, a green frog hat, a polka
dotted shirt and skirt, a rare tattoo, and pink and green sandals!

Next is Joanna.Pety

Jojo's outfit contains black braids, a blue/teal
bandana headband, white hoop earrings, a blue/teal
scarf, a white tank top with black kisses, black shorts, a rare
tattoo and teal/blue and black sneakers.

Next is $hort Movies'

Her outfit contains blonde hair, a blonde colored bow, black
nerd glasses, a white mustache, a white scarf, a peach colored
t-shirt, white shorts, and peach colored boots!

Next is CuteStuff.

Sorry I don't know the name of it. She never made a look of it :\
Cute's outfit contains orange pig tails, a white flowered head band,
dream catcher earrings, an orange bikini top, orange pants, and
orange and white sandals!

Next is Packers212121

I know, you're surprised! I have a boy on the blog?!
Well, boys have fashion, too ya know! ;)
His outfit contains black wavy hair, a navy blue sweat band,
navy blue shades, navy blue bubblegum, a navy blue and white shirt,
a backpack, navy blue and white sweat pants, last but not least, navy blue and 
white sneakers! I got a crushie on him ^.^

Next is Short Movies'''

Her outfit contains a bureau, (idk what the color is! haha)
triangle earrings, a tube top, a white skirt, and socks with flats!

Last but not least, Donnie C!

His outfit contains a green and pink beanie, green shades,
a black mustache, a green and pink t-shirt, a backpack, green shorts, and green
and pink sneakers!

I hoped you all enjoyed the outfits, cause I sure did! I've posted to much
stuff today >.< Haha, see yah tomorrow!


I LOVE The New Contest!

What is up my wonderful fans?! ANYWAYS, If you're an experienced Moviestar, you know how MSP does a new contest every week! Well guess what the new contest is?

Thats right! A FASHION contest! Unfortunately, I have like 100 sc..... and I don't have enough to get a new outfit, props, and backgrounds! Plus, NO time to get actors and actresses! But I cannot wait to see people's submissions and looks! Good luck to all who enters and good luck to me on getting Starcoins! :O


P.S. The rules and prizes!(:

A Video! :O

Hey wonderful fashionistas! I have an AMAZING video for you today! I promised you guys on "About The Blog" page, I would put beauty advice! Well, here you go! :D

Sorry about the bad quality :(

I Made a New Look!

Hey amazing fashionistas(: I've had this outfit for a while now, but I never made a look of it :\
But ANYWAYS, I'm OBSESSED with One Direction, ESPECIALLY Liam Payne! So, I thought "I'm going to make a look of Liam Payne!" Please notice, It's not very good :\ I could've done ALOT better, but I didn't have a lot of money at the time, so no hate :)
Here it is!: