Monday, December 3, 2012

The Unused Challenge!

Hey everyone Movies&SC here! Today, Storm (Lissa) and I (Hailey) were discussing about what to put on the blog. She came up with this AMAZING idea! She said "I was thinking we could do an article about like those weird items in the shop that not a lot of people use and talk about and how to make them into an outfit?"I thought it was SPECTACULAR! (I'm a little excited :P) So I chose this ratty, ugly, jacket with a tank top under it.

And out of that I made this!:

Hellooooo(: this is Storm, For my outfit I used little drummer girl shirt.

For my outfit I did  this(:

About me(:

Hello(: its storm, and I am gonna do a about me!

Whats your user name and name?

Storm102 is my username and Sarah is my real name but I also go by lis or Lissa (my middle name


I am 13.

How long have you played MSP?

For 1 year and 3 months(:

What extra curricular activities do you do?

Well, I am in dance, I am a honor art student, I play flute in band, and I know sign language(: 

What do you plan  to do on this blog?

I plan to help Hailey and write good articles for you guys of course!  

