Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Hey fashionistas! I just got an iPhone (NOT BRAGGING) so I might be doing outfits of the day in RL! (They have an app for Don't worry, I'll do fashion stuff on MSP, too ;) Though, I'm not sure if I want to do it... My sister and I share an iTunes account and every time one of us downloads an app, it goes on both of our iPod's (iPhone). I don't like to show her I play MSP and do blogs like this because she'll think I'm weird and I have to grow up! Plus, I don't tell ANYBODY (besides my closest friends) that I play Movie Star Planet because its embarrassing and I would be called a loser in my school! (I know I shouldn't care about what people think of me, but kids in my grade grow up to fast and then I feel like a 5 year old compared to everybody else :|) Its JUST a thought but there is a chance I won't be doing it. Just thought I would get it out there. Sorry I didn't post a O.O.T.D for the Highscores! I was playing with my phone all day xD Anyways, I PROMISE to post an O.O.T.D tomorrow:) Goodnight! (Its 8:37 PM and I'm tired...Shush >.<) 

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