Thursday, November 15, 2012

Need More Viewers! + Highscore's O.O.T.D

1. I need more viewers and followers >.< Please put on your
 status to check it out and also the link!
2. Lets get on with the O.O.T.D!!!!!!!

Starting with the amazing Pump :)

Pump's outfit has a blue bureau, a 
pink and blue bow, black wavy
hair, pink hoops, a blue jacket,
a colorful blue skirt, a rare
tattoo and blue sandals!

Next is Joanna.Pety

Jojo has on black pigtails, blue
and white earmuffs, a white jacket,
a blue skirt, a blue and white sachel ;),
and white knee boots.

Here is $hort Movies'

She is wearing a blue bunny hat, purple/
brown curly hair, a blue dress, a blue
monster purse, and fluffy blue booties.

Here is the Wonderful CuteStuff. <3

Cute's outfit is pretty simple but elegant :) 
She is wearing black wavy hair, a black bow,
white diamond earrings, a skull necklace,
a black and white dress, a rare tattoo, and white
and black heels :D

Sorry I don't have a lot of people. Im tired >.< See ya! Byezz

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Hey fashionistas! I just got an iPhone (NOT BRAGGING) so I might be doing outfits of the day in RL! (They have an app for Don't worry, I'll do fashion stuff on MSP, too ;) Though, I'm not sure if I want to do it... My sister and I share an iTunes account and every time one of us downloads an app, it goes on both of our iPod's (iPhone). I don't like to show her I play MSP and do blogs like this because she'll think I'm weird and I have to grow up! Plus, I don't tell ANYBODY (besides my closest friends) that I play Movie Star Planet because its embarrassing and I would be called a loser in my school! (I know I shouldn't care about what people think of me, but kids in my grade grow up to fast and then I feel like a 5 year old compared to everybody else :|) Its JUST a thought but there is a chance I won't be doing it. Just thought I would get it out there. Sorry I didn't post a O.O.T.D for the Highscores! I was playing with my phone all day xD Anyways, I PROMISE to post an O.O.T.D tomorrow:) Goodnight! (Its 8:37 PM and I'm tired...Shush >.<) 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

cutiepie94912's Looks!

Hey wonderful fashionistas! A few people have sent me looks
and I absolutely ♥ you 4 that! Here are 2 looks I 
chosen that I thought were the best ^.^

These 2 looks were created by the
same person! To be totally honest,
not the best name for it, but very
cute outfit! If you want your outfit
featured on my blog, don't hesitate 
and send me suggestion mail!


Monday, November 12, 2012

Highscore's OOTD

Yeh, I'm changing the color of the words cause I ain't liking the other one >.<

Anyway fashionistas, If you didn't know, O.O.T.D means Outfit of the day! So here are the highscores O.O.T.D!

Starting off with Pumpchkin

Her outfit contains pink pig tails, a green frog hat, a polka
dotted shirt and skirt, a rare tattoo, and pink and green sandals!

Next is Joanna.Pety

Jojo's outfit contains black braids, a blue/teal
bandana headband, white hoop earrings, a blue/teal
scarf, a white tank top with black kisses, black shorts, a rare
tattoo and teal/blue and black sneakers.

Next is $hort Movies'

Her outfit contains blonde hair, a blonde colored bow, black
nerd glasses, a white mustache, a white scarf, a peach colored
t-shirt, white shorts, and peach colored boots!

Next is CuteStuff.

Sorry I don't know the name of it. She never made a look of it :\
Cute's outfit contains orange pig tails, a white flowered head band,
dream catcher earrings, an orange bikini top, orange pants, and
orange and white sandals!

Next is Packers212121

I know, you're surprised! I have a boy on the blog?!
Well, boys have fashion, too ya know! ;)
His outfit contains black wavy hair, a navy blue sweat band,
navy blue shades, navy blue bubblegum, a navy blue and white shirt,
a backpack, navy blue and white sweat pants, last but not least, navy blue and 
white sneakers! I got a crushie on him ^.^

Next is Short Movies'''

Her outfit contains a bureau, (idk what the color is! haha)
triangle earrings, a tube top, a white skirt, and socks with flats!

Last but not least, Donnie C!

His outfit contains a green and pink beanie, green shades,
a black mustache, a green and pink t-shirt, a backpack, green shorts, and green
and pink sneakers!

I hoped you all enjoyed the outfits, cause I sure did! I've posted to much
stuff today >.< Haha, see yah tomorrow!


I LOVE The New Contest!

What is up my wonderful fans?! ANYWAYS, If you're an experienced Moviestar, you know how MSP does a new contest every week! Well guess what the new contest is?

Thats right! A FASHION contest! Unfortunately, I have like 100 sc..... and I don't have enough to get a new outfit, props, and backgrounds! Plus, NO time to get actors and actresses! But I cannot wait to see people's submissions and looks! Good luck to all who enters and good luck to me on getting Starcoins! :O


P.S. The rules and prizes!(:

A Video! :O

Hey wonderful fashionistas! I have an AMAZING video for you today! I promised you guys on "About The Blog" page, I would put beauty advice! Well, here you go! :D

Sorry about the bad quality :(

I Made a New Look!

Hey amazing fashionistas(: I've had this outfit for a while now, but I never made a look of it :\
But ANYWAYS, I'm OBSESSED with One Direction, ESPECIALLY Liam Payne! So, I thought "I'm going to make a look of Liam Payne!" Please notice, It's not very good :\ I could've done ALOT better, but I didn't have a lot of money at the time, so no hate :)
Here it is!:   

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Weekly Favorites: 11/11/12

Hey beautiful fashionistas! These are my weekly favorite outfits! What I do, is choose my favorite 
5 outfits and share them with all of you guys!

By: crystal8608

By: crystal8608

By: Maeve29
Sorry I don't have the name of it on the top, but its Katniss Everdeen in the arena :)

By: bluepopgirl12

By: OahuGirl

Hope you all enjoyed looking at these fabulous outfits! Please go
check out their outfits! Also, send me some of your outfits @ Movies&SC on Movie-


Monthly Trends!

Hey fashionistas! Hailey here! Welcome to the 1st post on Seventeen MSP! I'll be having these monthly trends that I'll do every month! There is a mix of VIP clothing and Non-VIP, but I'll tell you if 
it is VIP or not.
So this month, a new hat came called "Da Don"! Down below is what it looks like!

  Credits to: Pumpchkin 
Outfit: ♥Da Pump♥

It didn't come out this month, but these shoes have been
the hottest trend for months now! They're called "Furries"!

Credits: Me!

Next one, this has been out for a while now, but recently it has been pretty popular! They look like suspenders, but they're not! Its called "School Backpack"!

Credits: Me!
Non-Vip ☺

Last but not least, our most RECENT trend, is the "Hip Style"! I haven't seen a lot of people
wearing this hat, but I thought it was cute and more people should buy this hat!

Credits: Me in da hat :)

I know there are LOTS of trends out there, but if you have any suggestions, please feel free to leave a comment in the down bar! Thanks for reading!
